Sunday, June 17, 2007


Pink Squattie and Furry Squattie.

This squattie is my first. It has a few boo-boos but with the felting, you would never know where they are...


This is squattie after felting. It took several trys to get this purse to felt correctly. Perhaps because of the eyelash yarn it just took a long time. I finally ended up putting it through 2 cycles in the washer and 10 minutes in the dryer. I have a front loader washer and it actually came out okay. I have read that front loaders are not the best thing to use to felt because you can't open the door mid cycle to check the felting process. worked just fine.

This is squattie, before felting. Looks like a large furry purse. Started this yesterday, Saturday...just couldn't put the kneedles down. Finished it this morning, Sunday.

I used black worsted wool mixed with acrylic eyelash. It is very soft to the touch.

So...okay now to the felting.